Little Seeds (starting school in September) 2024 - 2025
Miss Kidd
Welcome to Little Seeds!
Our Little Seeds are those children who will be starting in our Reception Class in September.
On this page we hope to provide you with some information to help you and your child as they prepare to start school in September.
All children will receive a free school uniform and book bag (order form included in the pack you will receive at the Welcome Meeting).
Acorns Class Teacher - Miss Kidd
Acorns Teaching Assistant - Mrs Bailey
What you will need...
- PE kit
- Water bottle
- Coat
We love to take our learning outdoors every single day. We have a wonderful outdoor classroom but we also have extensive school grounds with a beautiful forest school and fields, including a waterfall. All children have access to a full waterproof suit and we do have spare wellies. However, if your child has their own wellies, please bring them to school.
We appreciate how frustrating it can be if your child loses their belongings at school. Please ensure you name ALL of your childs items, from their coat, cardigan to their school top and PE kit top and water bottle. Children often have the same bottles and coats and it can become confusing for them and us! Thank you for your support.
Please check out other pages on this school website for further whole school information.
This 'Little Seeds' page has been created with new pupils in mind as they begin their school journey with us in Acorns Class in September.
Acorns Class is just the beginning of a wonderful learning journey at our school. We want your child to always feel welcome, safe, cared for and encouraged to do their best.
We hope that you find lots of useful information on these pages. Please feel free to explore our school website and discover what goes on throughout school.
Little Seeds (starting school in September): News items
Lancashire Evening News article, by Mrs Godden
Little Seeds (starting school in September): Blog items
There are no blog items to display
Little Seeds (starting school in September): Gallery items
Des the Duck, by Mrs Grimshaw
School Fun, by Mrs Grimshaw
Little Seeds (starting school in September): Calendar items
There are no Calendar items to display