General Information


Milk is free for all under 5s, but must be ordered by you via the milk on the cool milk website ( – if you need help with this, the office staff will be pleased to assist you.   Please ensure that you have read the information sheet on ordering milk. Contact the school office for further assistance.

Snacks and Water

Every infant child receives a free piece of fruit on a daily basis. Therefore, children do NOT need to bring any food to school other than a packed lunch if they are not having a free school meal. As stated above, if you register on the 'Cool Milk' website, your child will receive daily milk. If your child prefers, they may bring water in a labelled bottle. NO FIZZY DRINKS OR JUICES please. Water is the best drink to hydrate your child during the day.

Please ensure that you have completed the allergy form and read the healthy food information sheet. 

Outdoor Wear

All of our Reception children will spend a great deal of time in our outside area. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could buy them a pair of wellies and some waterproofs to keep in school, all the time.

Please ensure that you have signed the local walks consent form.


Please make sure that all children’s clothing and possessions are always clearly labelled with their name.  The best way we find of doing this is to use a permanent black marker/sharpie pen in their clothes, shoes, bags and any other equipment they may bring to school. Children should not bring toys or precious items to school which could be lost or damaged.

St Anne's and St Joseph's
RC Primary School

Sandy Lane, Accrington
Lancashire BB5 2AN

For more information, please direct all enquiries to:

Joanne Grimshaw | School Administration Officer

01254 233019