Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Chadwick
Welcome to Year 4!
This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Welcome to the class page for Year 4 where you will find out key information about our timetable and class expectations. In Year 4, we build upon learning from Year 3 and continue to grow in resilience and independence. Our days are filled with learning from the moment we arrive at 8.45am until we finish school at 3.25pm! We aim to make our learning interactive, engaging and fun and will be completing some exciting topics over the year. To support this learning, we may also take part in some exciting trips or welcome visitors into school to bring our learning to life. We also have an amazing outdoor area right on our school grounds, which we use to take our learning outside.
Important Information
Class Dojo will be used as our main communication platform where teachers can post important information reminders and a chance for us to celebrate our learning. Please keep your eyes peeled for regular updates! However, always contact the school office regarding absences.
All pupils have access to TT Rock Stars and the Century app, so that they can access learning at home as well as in school. Please contact via Class Dojo if a login or password is forgotten.
PE is every Wednesday and pupils may come to school wearing their smart PE kit. Earrings should not be worn on PE days.
It is really helpful if names are written in all items of uniform. This helps us to locate any lost items.
Our Maple Class family.
There are 19 children in Year 4.
Mrs Chadwick is the Class Teacher, Maths Lead, Music Lead, with a TLR for PPG
Mrs Cunningham and Mrs Rashid support pupils in our classroom.