Prayer and Liturgy

Prayer and Liturgy are central to our school as detailed in our policy and annual plan for provision below. As we prepare for the new Prayer and Liturgy Directory To Love You More Dearly, we are reviewing our whole school provision to ensure we have every opportunity to develop the prayer life of school. We utilise a wide range of specialist resources to support with this, including Mark10Mission , Jack in a Box and TenTen. Our enthusiastic and committed Chaplaincy Team plan and record a weekly broadcast for the school community as well as leading whole school prayer trails, rosary challenges and supporting the younger children with leading prayer sessions and Celebrations of the Word.

St Anne's and St Joseph's
RC Primary School

Sandy Lane, Accrington
Lancashire BB5 2AN

For more information, please direct all enquiries to:

Joanne Grimshaw | School Administration Officer

01254 233019